DIOMEDE, or as the Greek scholar would insist DIOMEDES, was the King of Argos in Greek Mythology. One of the great   heroes of the Greek Army during the seige of Troy, and probably its most attractive and pleasant character, he was renowned   for his audacity and resolution and was generally known as "DIOMEDES of the loud war-cry".

In his Illiad Homer makes frequent and detailed reference to DIOMEDES’ exploits and gives a thrilling account of how he       fought with the gods during the Trojan war. In one encounter he wounded APHRODITE, the Goddess of Love who, although disguised as a mortal, never forgave him. In the same battle, aided by ASTHENE, the Goddess of Wisdom, he also wounded ARES, the God of War who consequently retired in high dudgeon to nurse his wounds on Mount Olympus, the home of the Gods. It is probably from this episode that we get our motto "Strength Overcomes Aggression"

It was during the Trojan War that DIOMEDES, in company with ODYSSEUS, made a night raid on the Trojan lines to capture the two snow-white horses of RHESUS, the Thracian. An Oracle had foretold that should these two horses feed from the plains of Troy and drink from the river Scamander then Troy would not be taken. The two warriors slew RHESUS, captured his magnificent horses, whose hooves and teeth were made of gold, and drove them back to ACHILLES’ camp. It is this exploit which is represented in the ships crest. The same pair carried out a similar raid later in the war and stole the Palladium from Troy. The Palladium was a very valuable statuette of ATHENE and it was said that the city was safe so long as this statuette remained within its walls.

Despite his heroic exploits DIOMEDES, undoubtedly because he was still hated by APHRODITE, found on his return home that his wife had been unfaithful. So he packed up and went to help his Grandfather OENEUS in Aetolia. He later settled in Daunia, in Italy, where he married EUIPPE, daughter of King DAUNUS.

When he died he was buried in one of the nearby islands since called DIOMEDANS, and his companions were all turned into gentle birds.